The Big Picture For GoldPieces

Here’s a more formatted and easily understood roadmap for the GP/GoldPieces project. Cheers to those of you on board with me. 2015 is looking to be a great year.


Interested Parties
Players - players will likely play games and take advantage of oppurtunities to earn GP by completing offers, surveys, or performing actions.
Investors - Investors will be primarily interested in staking and potential services that allow them to be an investor.
Developers - Developers will build games and services that utilize and take advantage of the GoldPieces software.

Earn GP
Provide oppurtunities for earning GP
Play With GP- Create games that use GP as the currency or unit of value in online games.
Spend/Accept GP - Use GP to buy or sell gaming related items, and more if desired.

We look to build services and opportunities to cater to the above conditions and desires. Development is on-going but we would like to have atleast 3 games running 100% by the end of 2015 which all have ways for players to earn GP by completing offers and performing other actions.

Games -
This is the current project in development, giving a home base to GP where players can gather and develop/train pets in a pokemon like fashion. The project is on-going and regularly being upgraded and improved upon. It will also include a way for anyone to earn GP by completing surveys or similar actions.

GP Marketplace -
A place where people can buy and sell gaming hardware/cards. An ebay like marketplace based on feedback and reviews of buyers and sellers. This project is currently being planned for development

Developers Kit - Makes it as easy as possible for new developers to grasp GP and create their own projects.